Shockwave Therapy

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What is Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy?

Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) is a non-invasive treatment in which a device is used to pass acoustic shockwaves at a set frequency through the skin to the affected area. It is purely a mechanical wave- not an electric one. Shockwave is an accepted intervention in the UK and treatment may provide pain relief for chronic tendinopathies.

What can Shockwave Therapy treat?

Shockwave Therapy is effective at treating:
  • Neck Pain (Myofascial pain syndromes)
  • Shoulder Pain (Calcifying tendinitis of the shoulder, subacrominal pain syndrome)
  • Back Pain (Myofascial pain syndromes, idiopathic lowerback pain and pseudoradicular syndromes)
  • Elbow Pain (Lateral and medial epicondylitis)
  • Hand Pain (Dupuytrens disease, De Quervain disease, trigger finger and Carpal tunnel syndrome)
  • Hip Pain (Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome)
  • Hamstring Pain (Hamstring tendinopathy, insertional)
  • Knee Pain (Osteoarthritis, patella tip syndrome)
  • Osgood -Schlatter Disease
    Achilles Pain (Achilles
  • tendinopathy, insertional and mid body)
    Heel Pain(Plantarfasciopathy)

Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy Pricelist